No.1 Academy for DJ

Fruit Punch DJ Academy is one of the leading academy of Gujarat

350+ Students

Focusing on the success of students, we are pioneer in terms of placement

11+ Years

We are providing DJ training for more than 10 Years

Rs. 7800000+ 

Total earning of our student's business in music industry is growing extremely fast

Which learning method is right for me?

Choose the right plan that works for you.

All course Access Bundle

Self Learning Video Course

✅ All course video access
✅ 30 Day Challenge DJ Course + Remixing Course
✅ Garba mixing Video Course
✅ Digital Certificate
✅ Group Live zoom session for Q&A

 Party ready song collection
❌ 1-to-1 zoom / offline training
❌ 1-to-1 Whatsapp/zoom support
❌ Marketing by our agency

Personal Coaching

Premium Package
(1-1 offline / online Training)

✅ All course video access
✅ 30 Day Challenge DJ Course + Remixing Course
✅ Garba mixing Video Course
✅ Physical Certificate (India only)
✅ Group Live zoom session for Q&A
✅ Party ready song collection
✅ 1-to-1 zoom / offline training
✅ 1-to-1 Whatsapp/zoom support
❌ Marketing by our agency

Premium Package (online)

Personal Coaching

Elite Package
(1-1 offline / online Training & Marketing)

✅ All course video access
✅ 30 Day Challenge DJ Course + All other courses
✅ Garba mixing Video Course
✅ Physical Certificate (India only)
✅ Group Live zoom session for Q&A
✅ Party ready song collection
✅ 1-to-1 zoom / offline training
✅ 1-to-1 Whatsapp/zoom support
✅ Marketing by our agency

Elite package (online)

Garba mixing Personal Coaching

1-1 offline / online Garba Mixing training

✅ All course video access
✅ 30 Day Challenge DJ Course + All other courses 
✅ Garba mixing Video Course
✅ Physical Certificate (India only)
✅ Group Live zoom session for Q&A

 Garba Collection 
✅ 10 personal zoom / offline training

✅ 1-to-1 Whatsapp/zoom support
❌ Marketing by our agency

Rated 4.7 ⭐️ / 5 on Goolge local

Course crafted by Milan Devmani, an award-winning DJ & Music Expert, designed to teach you how to learn DJing & mix professionally for maximum returns. Drawing from our personal experience and investment in books, videos, courses, and trial-and-error methods, we offer comprehensive training. Additionally, we've enlisted experts from different fields to cover topics such as digital marketing and social media growth."

As Featured on


” One of The Best Dj Academy in Gujarat… Thank u so much for supporting us till this stage.. “


” Best place 2 learn DJING in Gujarat. Good time management & Nice Teaching Style by DJ DEVMANI. Superb experience lifetime. I love dis academy. “


” Amazing teacher- really understands music and what it takes to become a good DJ. Starts from the basics and gradually build up knowledge and confidence. It was such a great experience, sir. Thank you so much. “


” Great place and platform to learn and implement the skills in playing and production. Thanks for providing all the skills to learn the art of music playing and production too.”


” One of the best DJ academy in INDIA with a great sir like milan devmani he trains each student well with practical and theoretical parts giving individual attention to them, I am happy to be a part of this FRUIT PUNCH DJ ACADEMY I. If you want to be a DJ a great atmosphere and a place where you become better than others would recommend everyone to visit here~Thank you very much sir I am very happy to learn from you.”


”Fruit punch Dj Academy is really such a place that can make a person what he or she has dreamt about. For me personally I had and I am still having a great experience of learning , exchange of knowledge and a great support from my sir Mr. Milan Devmani and I would highly recommend this place if anybody is dreaming of becoming a good DJ , and in search of any kind of support in this field there is no other place than fruit punch Dj Academy and no other better teacher, then Mr Milan. Thank you for always being my biggest support. “

Self Learning vs Personal coaching

Fruit Punch DJ Academy में, हम समझते हैं कि हर कोई DJing के लिए personal coaching का खर्च नहीं उठा सकता। इसीलिए हमने एक self learning - All video course access विकल्प बनाया है जो हमारे best course सभी के लिए available बनाता है।
हमारी सदस्यता में high quality की courses शामिल है जो ordinary youtube random video से कहीं अधिक है। अपने 15 वर्षों के अनुभव से, हमने अपने सभी secrets को इन courses में add कर दिया है। और सबसे अच्छा? यह सब अनुकूल price पर उपलब्ध है।

Self Learning & personal coaching मैं same ही उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली courses प्रदान करती है। Recording और live zoom session के माध्यम से, आप अपने DJing कौशल को कई गुना बढ़ा सकते हैं। साथ ही, आपके पास new courses के लिए सभी recording और यहां तक कि live session भी मिलेंगे।

संक्षेप में, सदस्यता और व्यक्तिगत कोचिंग के बीच मुख्य अंतर यह है कि सदस्यता के साथ, आपको song collection or 1-to-1 personal zoom session प्राप्त नहीं होंगे। हालाँकि, आपके पास new courseके लिए group zoom session में भाग लेने का मौका होगा।

यदि personal coaching आपके बजट में फिट बैठती है, तो हम हमारे साथ जुड़ने के लिए आपका स्वागत करते हैं। अतिरिक्त, हम personal coaching में Marketing agency का support भी देंगे! 

Self Learning - All course access और Personal coaching दोनों विषयों की एक विस्तृत topics को कवर करते हैं, जिसमें mixing, mic use, business growth, DJ software and hardware, song selection etc. और बहुत कुछ शामिल हैं।

और यदि आपके कोई प्रश्न हैं, तो बेझिझक हमें +919727220808 पर कॉल करें। हम आपके DJing skills & business को next level तक ले जाने में आपकी मदद करने के लिए यहां हैं!

  Fruit Punch DJ Academy on Google Maps

A 406, 4th Floor, Orange Mall, Nigam Nagar, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382424